
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Why you should eat breakfast

 I enjoyed speaking to the computer.The thing that was challenging was  editing the computers mistakes.I overcame it by speaking more slower.Our walt was to write a persuasive text.

I'm writing this text because kids and parents skip breakfast because there in a rush or think it is a way to be fit to skip breakfast. In fact it helps you be fit because when you skip breakfast you end up eating a lot more fat food.It also helps with energy and mood.

It's not healthy to skip breakfast because you're like a car,Breakfast is the fuel you need to get going again and you have been sleeping for 8 to 12 hours without food. It can also help you concentrate,Work, and  can help kids participate in physical activities.

If you eat breakfast you can have energy which could last you the whole day but you should always have fibre in your breakfast and carbohydrates. Fibre to clean and keep your tummy full till lunch and if you don't eat fiber  you could become constipated.

When you don't eat breakfast your mood could drop to grumpy and no one likes it when you're grumpy avoid being grumpy by eating breakfast.

That's why I think you should eat breakfast. EAT BREAKFAST!  

Monday, August 31, 2015

earwig facts


What I know
What I want to know
What I learnt
It moves with its 6 legs
it has sharp pincers
it is a earwig

is there more than one kind of earwig?
do they have enemies?
what are they made for?
do they live in other places?
what do they eat?
do they have other earwigs that they help?

There are more than 2,000 species of earwigs.
Earwigs eat mold,insects leaves,flowers and fruits.

Earwigs hide during the day and live outdoors in large numbers they can be found under piles of lawn clippings compost or in tree holes. they enter homes from cracks in walls.
Earwigs can’t spread disease but can be scary to look at.

                                       Excellent Earwigs

                    what they eat
Earwigs eat flowers,leaves,mold,other insects and large cockroaches

Earwigs hide during the day and live outdoors in large numbers.They can be found under piles of lawn clippings compost or in tree holes

                          why earwigs are called earwigs

The name "earwig" is generally said to originate from an old European belief that earwigs crawl into people's ears and lay eggs in the brain. This etymology is given by the Oxford English Dictionary, which states unequivocally that the name is derived from Old English éare, "ear", and wicga, "insect", "from the notion that it penetrates into the head through the ear." Earwigs do tend to prefer being in hidden places, and this etymology parallels the unambiguous French name perce-oreille ("ear piercer"). Another hypothesis is that the word comes from the Late Latin auricula, owing to the ancient use of pulverized earwigs as medicine to treat diseases of the ear. A third explanation is that it is an alteration of "ear-wing", after the shape of the hind wings when unfolded.

Glossary: etymology=the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.
unequivocally = the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history
unambiguous =not open to more than one interpretation.: "instructions should be unambiguous"

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


On Friday we went to the wesley intermediate for the open day there.It was really fun but I enjoyed cooking the most.It was fun with my friend.We were cooking chocolate chippie cookies.They were really yummy.At the end we were given the reicpe and a word search.

I found mixing the butter not hard but not easy so in the middle but I overcame the problem by mashing harder.I enjoyed  eating the cookies.

Awesome and amazing ant facts

I choose this post because it was fun searching on the internet and hard because  I really still didn’t find the answer to most of my questions but I  accomplished it by finding more facts 
Animal: Ants

What I know
What I want to know
What I learnt
Ants can lift 5x its size.
Ants have 6 legs.
There are many other ants.

Why are there antennas on an ants head ?
Is it possible for a ant to survive on its own?
How many ants are in a conly?
What are ants for?
what does an ant eat?
Why do bullet ants have a more painful bite than a normal?
Do ants have enemies?
what do ants eat?
The ants antenna are the most important sense organs.
bullet ants have a 30x more painful bite than a wasp sting
If ants sense increased water
in their colony they will from a huge ball or raft that would float.Ants can lift 20 times their body weight. There are more than 12,000 species of ants.
Ants don’t have ears but they hear by the vibration on the ground.
The total weight of all the ants
in the world if not larger than all the humans in the world.


There are over different types of ants.Bullet ants,pavement ants,fire ants and more.There are over 12,000 species of ants.
Ants can lift 20x their weight and can almost be able to lift a car.All the ants in the world weigh the same if not larger than all the humans in the world.Bullet ants have a 30x more painful bite then a wasp sting the biggest colony ever found was over 6000 km or 3750  miles wide.Ants worse enemies are not us but other ants.Some ants have no eyes.One of the ant species is one of the most venmouse insect in the world.Ants are one of the strongest insects alive in its size.Ants have 2 stomacks one for them and one for others.

Ant parts

The ants antenna’s are the most important sense in there body.Ants have 2 stomachs one for them and one for others.Ants don't have ears they ues the vibration in the ground to know where their going.

one more fact

When ants feel high water levels in their colony they from a raft or a big ball

Glossary:species = different types

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

sound poem

Crunching ginger biscuits
Is like hearing soldiers tread
Running through the army
Ducking all their heads

Chewing an marshmallow
Is nowhere near as loud
Its softer then a speaker
With the cricket crowd

Biting some ice cream
Is like a shiver down your spine
I’d rather be at the beach
or swinging on a vine

Reading is so boring
Not a sound to hear
It’s like  they can't say anything
I would like to run in fear

A poem

A stranger called this morning
Dress all in black and grey
Put everything in a bag
And carried them away

The roaring of the car
The smashing of the bat
The swooshing of wind
And the scratching of the cat

The stopping of the bus
The clicking of the pen
The stomping of my dad
And the cluk cluk of the hen

The sniffing of a nose
The crunching of the leave
The howling of a wolf
The people yelling heeva

I chose this post because it was fun and I enjoyed it


Anzac poppy
small and sweet
It was there in world war one
under a tone of mud.
Fragile petals
red as blood
It was a wounded flood.
I chose this poem because I am proud of presenting this work to the word


Thursday, August 6, 2015

Sanitarium cooking

On Tuesday we were in the hall to cook with  sanitarium.I enjoyed cooking the patties and the coleslaw.I found doing the recipe in order was hard.I told my team all one thing to do and it worked and I chose this post because it was really fun.


At the end it was ok  because we got a bag like we did last year and it was full of the stuff we had last year too.Inside the bag was a poster,2 chickpea cans and some home work for home