
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Why you should eat breakfast

 I enjoyed speaking to the computer.The thing that was challenging was  editing the computers mistakes.I overcame it by speaking more slower.Our walt was to write a persuasive text.

I'm writing this text because kids and parents skip breakfast because there in a rush or think it is a way to be fit to skip breakfast. In fact it helps you be fit because when you skip breakfast you end up eating a lot more fat food.It also helps with energy and mood.

It's not healthy to skip breakfast because you're like a car,Breakfast is the fuel you need to get going again and you have been sleeping for 8 to 12 hours without food. It can also help you concentrate,Work, and  can help kids participate in physical activities.

If you eat breakfast you can have energy which could last you the whole day but you should always have fibre in your breakfast and carbohydrates. Fibre to clean and keep your tummy full till lunch and if you don't eat fiber  you could become constipated.

When you don't eat breakfast your mood could drop to grumpy and no one likes it when you're grumpy avoid being grumpy by eating breakfast.

That's why I think you should eat breakfast. EAT BREAKFAST!